Rock Solid Ideas, Inc.
Why Us
Why Us

Why Us?

We're unique...
you too huh?...
Wow, what a weird coincidence.

We're not your typical off the rack, cookie cutter, boutique design group; we're different because we know every single client is unique! Marketing a product or service would be a piece of cake if every business had the same challenges.  We specialize in the manufacturing, industrial and service industries and have an in-depth understanding of how to communicate to your vertical markets.

Right brain, left brain, strategy, discovery, implementation, blah, blah, blah. Ok, seriously, any agency worth their weight in salt is going to implement the basics, duh! We go beyond that. Agencies will tell you they go the extra mile...we take it off road. We want to know the ins and outs of your company. What works and what doesn’t. We would rather sit in on your sales meeting than bring you in for a dog and pony show.

Like we said, we’re not your off the rack marketing group. We custom tailor our plans with every single client …period. Our process is simple and we truly partner with our clients. We have some clients that think our team is actually employed in-house. I bet we could sit in on most lunch breaks and nobody would blink. So, where to begin? Simple… Give us a shout and let us break out the measuring tape and custom tailor a plan for you.
Why Us