Rock Solid Ideas, Inc.

Why Us?

We're unique...
you too huh?...
Wow, what a weird coincidence.

We're not your typical off the rack, cookie cutter, boutique design group; we're different because we know every single client is unique! Marketing a product or service would be a piece of cake if every business had the same challenges. We specialize in the manufacturing, industrial and service industries and have an in-depth understanding of how to communicate to your vertical markets.

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Why Us

Who We Are

At Rock Solid, we take an integrated team approach to developing and positioning your brand, your personality… your story. We work closely with you through various processes of discovery in order to uncover the true personality of your organization, the true essence of who you are at the core. Through this process our team will consist of executive level management, employees, customers and maybe even competitors. 

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Who We Are

What We Do

If you can't go through discovery, create a strategy and execute deliverables, you shouldn't be in this business. So ask yourself… what are we really looking for in a creative partner? Perhaps someone that is consistently thinking of you and bringing ideas to the table? Perhaps someone that is a solutions designer and focuses on your bottom line as if it were their own?

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What We Do

Rent a CMO

Maybe you can't afford (and don't need) a full-time CMO, but what about a part-timer? Or better yet, someone you pay through a negotiated rate, and for whom you don't have to cough up benefits, a corner office, etc., etc.

You need a talented CMO who will do the heavy lifting of creating and executing a marketing plan that drives profits and growth and helps to build a demand-generating machine that will harvest revenue over the long term.

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Rent a CMO


You name it… we have probably done it! Take a look at some examples of the deliverables we have created for our partners. Skies the limit…oh that's right …we are there too!

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If there are any specific examples you would like to see…just ask. Do yourself a favor and give us a call before you sit through your next 4 hours of the same PowerPoint presentations hearing how everyone is different. We want to look you in the eye and shake your hand. Rock Solid…the name was no mistake.

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Just Ask